Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why do we need the Spirit Baptism?

When it comes to understanding why we need the Spirit baptism, I believe that a major roadblock is built out of obsessively focusing on tongues-speaking rather than the true purpose of the gift. Why, actually, do we need to be Spirit baptized? Is the centerpiece really tongues?

I frequently ask leaders, “Why would someone want to receive the Spirit baptism?” The typical answer is, “So they can speak in tongues and have a prayer language.” Somehow we have lost the simple purity of Pentecost. Suddenly the focus is an argument that we have to win rather than it being a gateway to Spirit empowered ministry. The sad reality is that when many ministers see an inkblot of a dove, the first thing that enters their minds is tongues speaking.

I am firmly convinced that the confirming outward sign (or initial evidence) of the Spirit Baptism is speaking in unlearned languages (or tongues). But the reason I am convinced of this is not because it is Assemblies of God fundamental truth number eight, but rather that it has a specific, obvious, biblical function. Function is the key word, not argument. Our present culture has little tolerance for dogmatic religious types standing on irrelevant soapboxes; people want practical truth that they can personally engage and implement. The good news is that the Spirit baptism is such a truth, easy to understand and utilitarian.

The first two or three years of our ministry saw very few people actually receiving the Spirit baptism. I was so frustrated; after all, that is what our ministry was supposed to target, yet there seemed to be some kind of barrier. After a few days of frustration and prayer, fasting and introspection, the Holy Spirit began to show me that I was approaching this blessing with an argument. I began to re-evaluate my approach alongside the book of Acts, particularly the second chapter. Suddenly, the light bulb turned on! I began to see that the “why” was functional in ways that I had never previously understood.

On the day of Pentecost, they were all filled and began to speak in unlearned languages as the Spirit empowered them; they began to speak out God-inspired words in another language as the Spirit enabled them. Then, some time afterwards, a group of people gathering for the feast heard the ruckus of raw Pentecostalism. They had two basic responses, some were amazed and some thought that this noisy bunch was half-pickled. That’s where verse fourteen comes in. Peter stops speaking to God in his unlearned, spiritual language and begins to address the gathered crowd—probably in Aramaic or Hebrew, preaching a most convincing and well-ordered sermon. His content was obviously outside of his natural ability.

This is where the utilitarian function of tongues helps us understand precisely why we need the Spirit baptism: if you can trust God to order your words in the spiritual language, how much more can you trust Him afterwards to order your words in English to unbelievers? The Spirit baptism is all about saying the right things, the God-inspired things; first in tongues, but most significantly in our known languages as we prophetically minister words from God’s heart.

Since the day I began to understand Acts two, I’ve never had to argue initial evidence with anyone. Biblically, tongues are a prophetic confirmation of a prophetic anointing to be a prophetic witness. That’s why Peter explained the event as the fulfillment of Joel’s oracle where one day everyone could be a prophet.

Suddenly tongues take on a vital, functional role to the believer who wants to be a prophetic witness. Why do we need the Spirit Baptism? It’s all about God affecting what we say, plain and simple.

We don’t need the Spirit baptism so we can speak in tongues; we need the Spirit baptism so we can speak to lost people with prophetic power—and yes, we also get the added benefit of communing with God in a new language of intercession and worship. What a deal!


Art Good said...

Excellent. That is a great understanding of why we need to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Jesus said we would receive power to be a witness for Him. Tongues demonstrates the reality that the power has come. We must move far beyond just saying "look, I can speak in tongues," to the prophetic proclamation of the Gospel that you described.

Nick said...

Great explanation Tim! It's sad that the 'means (tongues) to the end (a spirit-empowered life)' have become the end in itself. I would be interested in hearing how this explanation has been receieved in churches you've ministred in. It is a very logical and biblically-based explanation!

Eric Smith said...

Great statement:

"people want practical truth that they can personally engage and implement. The good news is that the Spirit baptism is such a truth, easy to understand and utilitarian."

Isn't this the very reason why we should defend the doctrine of initial physical evidence? I hear guys saying 'we should enjoy it as an experience rather than debate it as a doctrine' and I get what they are trying to say - but if we cease to defend it as a doctrine - generations behind us may not be able to enjoy it as an experience.

Truth should lead us to an experience - not the other way around.

madamspeaker said...

Thank you so much for this post and the wonderful explanation you have provided.

After experiencing what I consider spiritual abuse at the hands of well intentioned bible camp ministers/workers, my husband has struggled with the lack of a tougues experience in his life.

My challenge has been in ministering to him as someone who has experienced this gift, while observing similiar situations like that of my husband.

I am going to direct him to your blog, Tim. I believe that with your explanation, he could be ministered to in a new way and find a desire again to seek the baptism without fear or humiliation.

Thank you.

Stacey said...

Right on! I really appreciate the ministry that God has given you and your wife. You visited our church in Toledo a while back and I was so impressed with the services you held. Thank you for doing what you are doing! We need more people to make the power of the Holy Spirit plain to us!

Anonymous said...

I recently heard Crabtree speak these words "are you seeking the baptism OR the baptizer"?
I had never heard it put so simply.

Nick Palomo said...

Well Spoken!

When can i expect your next article!!!

Sista Cala said...

Well said.
I am happy to find your blog and will be back as time permits.

AnneMarie said...

I ran across your blog on the Future AG site.

Thank you for stating the truth about why one should have the baptism of the Spirit. I am firm believer of Acts 1:8...."the power to witness."

I run a Bible Study in a coffee shop with 15 non-believers. Some in the group hate the church and even God. Some are into psychics while others are into Buddism. One actually reads Tarah cards. One is homosexual and we even had the Bible Study at her and her partners house before. It is the most diverse small group that I have ever lead. We use the Bible and the Bible only for curriculum. I am praying for their salvation!

I love Jesus and I love people! It all comes to first and second greatest commandment. It all comes down to Ats 1:8. I cannot even imagine reaching the unchurched, lost, and backslidden without the immersion of The Spirit. Yes, I pray in tongues but more importantly He has given me the power to reach these individuals. I point straight to Him!

I pray that the church wakes up with this. If we all walk in the Acts 1:8...churhes would look much different. I know that Jesus wants to tear it up here on earth. It is up to us. We need to seek hard after Him!

Pshdsa said...

Whenever I hear an argument about the Holy Spirit, I acknowledge sadly that though both sides think they are right,nobody considers the lack of the Holy Spirit in their lives. But if someone asks me and really wants to know what I believe, then I can only share what I believe. Comparing scriptures, the Baptism in the Spirit equals being filled with the Spirit, equals the Spirit coming upon, equals being endued with power from on high. In John 20 Jesus breathed on His disciples and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. They did. The Holy Spirit within is different from the Baptism. When we truly believe in Jesus the Spirit comes to reside in our spirit. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is to enable us to be witnesses of the risen Lord Jesus Christ with power. The signs that follow are in God's timing and will. It is a mistake to think that the only sign of one being baptized in the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues. In the book of Acts, it was that way simply so the Apostles would notice that the Gentiles had the same thing they had. But God is not in anyone's box. He does things according to His wisdom and will. I remember an old AoG gentleman gently disputing this point with me. I told him what happened to me when I was baptized. Then I asked him, which manifestation would you rather have, mine or speaking in tongues? He told me he'd rather have mine.
Now as I got hooked up with Pentecostals, I simply went to my Father and asked him to allow me to speak in tongues. And that is when I began to speak in tongues. Once when I had confronted my friend and elder over egregious sin he was committing, a few days later, while reading my Bible, the Lord allowed me to see demons swooping in fast toward me to punish me. As quick as lightening, I was on my knees and out of my spirit came a volume of tongues. The spirits were gone. So it was confirmation to me that the tongues were real. The Holy Spirit manifests signs according to His will, not man's. According to His will, not man's doctrine. The Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus. When our whole purpose is to glorify Jesus,then we are more and more being led by the Spirit. So when God places us in the deep dark night of the soul that lasts and lasts, He is perfecting our faith and preparing us for intimacy with Himself. God is more interested in a heart change that is profound, than in giving us goose bumps. Still, I long for the days of old when the Gifts of the Holy Spirit were flowing, and they were real. Since then I have heard thousands of false prophecies, until I am sick of them. A woman in the church I used to go to, faithfully spoke the Word of the Lord, but every time she did, this man would always stand up and prophecy something sounding religious, but definitely of the flesh and motivated by the Enemy to muddy the water. And no one noticed. So last night I was before the Lord so sad in my heart at the condition of the Spiritless Churches in my town. Even the AoG is deader than dead. Why don't they see their condition? Does anyone say, Lord my preaching has no power; it is downright boring? It is business as usual as if the Spirit were really there, as if pictures of living water and bread from heaven are the same as the real thing. The churches are blind and naked and wretched. What a great grief of heart. Where are the preachers who spend six hours on their knees for every hour in the pulpit? Oh Lord help us. Yet over ten years ago, I had a dream. In this dream we were in a grocery store, and people were hunting for Christians, asking everyone if they were a Christian. It was known that if a Christian prayed for them that they would be healed. And I saw it. In fact before the Christian could lay his hands on the sick person, God healed them. It was amazing. I told the Lord, Wow this is so easy, but now it is so hard. Then one word came to me: TIMING. God is still able, but when He allows His gifts to flow it will be for His glory not man's as has happened in the past. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is in God's timing not ours; for His glory, not ours.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

Anonymous said...

mm.. nice post!