In the last blog entry, “What Do YOU Think About the Lakeland Healing Revival,” I explained that I was withholding my opinions and judgment because of the infancy of the movement. This pause was in the presence of some disturbing doctrinal and practical issues that had been recognized by many, including several national, Spirit filled leaders. The gist of my rationale for suspending judgment was that despite both obvious and inferred problems, God was certainly working there. I wanted us to pray for the leadership, asking God to graciously help them—to receive grace and wisdom that we all could use more of.
Have you ever watched “The Muppet Show”? Part of the shtick is the sarcastic and merciless commentary of two balcony-dwelling know-it-all’s named Waldorf and Statler. They usually state the obvious, however, their role is simply to put others down who are at least trying to do something worthwhile. Now don’t think for a moment that I have gone off the deep end and begun to rant against the lack of virtue in modern puppetry characterizations—no matter how hard their foamy hearts may be. No, these distempered, stuffed geezers are a perfect metaphor for a common tendency we all have to quickly put down others who are trying something we are not willing to personally attempt ourselves.
My previous blog entry was a call to prayer, asking God to grant special grace and wisdom so that the leadership would enable the “God percentage” to increase and the "human percentage" to decrease. I didn’t want to be a trigger-happy critic viewing things from my own perfect balcony, nor did I want to miss something that God was doing.
For those of you who have been recently watching the revival or attending in person, it has become clear that the “God percentage” is indeed on the increase. Just last night (June 26), Todd Bentley announced several new safeguards against exaggerated reporting of miracles and greater levels of accountability. There has been a distinct trend away from the more disturbing doctrines and a greater focus on souls. These, along with other positive signs, are incredibly encouraging to me.
Don’t get me wrong, if I was in charge, the doctrines and practices would be up to my personal standard of absolute perfection (smile); but that’s the point: I’m NOT in charge. This fact does not excuse me from the restraint of my biblical understanding and convictions, but it does free me to benefit from the spiritual zeal and motivation that are so evidently a part of what God is stirring up.
The bottom line? Don’t eat the wrapper along with your Big Mac, just eat the burger.
Please join me in continuing to pray for the Lord to be ever-increasingly honored through the Lakeland Healing Revival.